Psychopath Hunt Apk Psychopath Hunt: Scary Horror Escape Room APK penetrate the house of the insane maniac to find and rescue a girl kidnapped by the villain. Be apprehensive for your life! Demonstrate courage and inventiveness in this Android game. A horrible... Psychopath hunt - penetrate the house of the insane maniac to find and rescue a girl kidnapped by the villain. Be apprehensive for your life! Demonstrate courage and inventiveness in this Android game. A horrible psychopath kidnapped a girl and locked her in his house. You must rescue a poor victim before the maniac kills her. Psychopath Hunt Chapter Two for Android - Download Action Games Download Psychopath Hunt Chapter Two APK. Psychopath Hunt Chapter Two. APK. 10.0 ‪8K+. 0.3.1 by frikjumno Games. Mar 23, 2024 Latest Version. Whatu0027s New in the Latest Version 0.3.1. Nov 12, 2023. Fixed a issue with Psychopathu0027s aim. Fixed Helicopter Ending. Fixed Bugs. Added Something in Main Menu. More Information. Package Name. Psychopath Hunt by MadnessPlays Psychopath hunt - penetrate the house of the insane maniac to find and rescue a girl kidnapped by the villain. Be apprehensive for your life! Demonstrate courage and inventiveness in this Android game. A horrible psychopath kidnapped a girl and locked her in his house. You must rescue a poor victim before the maniac kills her. Game Jolt - Share your creations frikjumno Games. Contains ads. 3.5 star. 1.32K reviews. 100K+. Downloads. Teen. info. About this game. arrow_forward. A butcher has captured you and taken you to his house. Try to escape before... Granny visitor in Psychopath Hunt by Ruzler-dev In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $1.07 USD. You will get access to the following files: PsychopathHunt version1.2 Of Granny visitor mod by ruzler-dev.apk. Granny visitor in Psychopath Hunt/Togueznake mod. Psychopath Hunt - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - Easy (iOS, Android) TapGameplay. 5.03M subscribers. Subscribed. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4.2 star. 300K reviews. 50M+. Downloads. Teen. info. About this game. arrow_forward. The zombie plague arrived to your neighborhood! Your neighbor, the butcher, is a zombie hungry of blood. He has... Psychopath Hunt 2023 APK (Android Game) - Free Download - APKCombo Download Psychopath Hunt, a first person horror game where you rescue a girl from a kidnapper with a gloomy house and a hard puzzle. This is the official release after people where saying they wanted Psychopath Hunt back. Download. Psychopath Hunt 2023 v1.6 - Android116 MB. Download. Psychopath Hunt 2023 v1.7.3 - Android115 MB. Development log. Psychopath Hunt 2023 Version 1.6.2. Mar 07, 2023. Psychopath Hunt 2023 Version 1.7. Feb 04, 2023. Psychopath Hunt 2023 Car Escape Coming Soon. Feb 02, 2023. Deleted. An insane butcher has kidnapped a young woman, save her. Psychopath Hunt APK for Android Download - Free. Psychopath Hunt Revamp PC Port 0.8.1. 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Latest Version. Version. 0.8 (2015) Update. Apr 2, 2024. Developer. frikjumno Games. Category. Action. Google Play ID. com.DefaultCompany.PsychopathHuntC2. Installs. 100,000+. App APKs. PsychopathHuntC2 APK. Psychopath Hunt Chapter Two GAME. A butcher has captured you and taken you to his house. Try to escape before itu0027s too late. Psychopath Hunt Horror Game APK (Android Game) - Free Download - APKCombo Psychopath Hunt: Scary Horror Escape Room APK for Android. Free. In English. V 1.1.8. 4.6. (322) APK Status. Free Download for Android. Softonic review. A free app for Android, by Galactic Crows Media Holdings Inc.. Welcome to the hunt of a lifetime! In this thrilling game, you will play as a horror-movie-like detective. Download APK. Penetrate the house of the insane maniac to find and rescue a girl kidnapped. Description Adventure. Advertisement. Latest Version. Version. Developer. Chelutzu Games. Category. Adventure. Google Play ID. com.chelutugames.pscyhopathhunthorror. Installs. 500+. Psychopath Hunt Horror Game GAME. Download. About Psychopath Hunt Chapter Two. English. A butcher has captured you and taken you to his house. Try to escape before itu0027s too late. Explore the terrifying house, solve puzzles, and uncover hidden secrets. Goodluck.. Whatu0027s New in the Latest Version 0.8. Last updated on Mar 24, 2024. * Fixed Controls not appearing. Download: Psychopath Hunt: Scary Horror Escape Room APK (Game) - Latest Version: 1.1.8 - Updated: 2023 - com.galacticrows.psychopathhuntgame - Galactic Crows Media Holdings, Inc. - - Free - Mobile Game for Android. Psychopath Hunt Chapter Two has an APK download size of 296.50 MB and the latest version available is 0.8 . Psychopath Hunt Chapter Two is FREE to download. Description. A butcher has captured you and taken you to his house. Try to escape before itu0027s too late. Explore the terrifying house, solve puzzles, and uncover hidden secrets. Goodluck.. Mysis Psychopath Hunt - Apps on Google Play Psychopath Hunt. OS. Android. Category. Horror. Developer. Keplerians H... Language. English. Update date. 13 September 2022. Psychopath Hunt - a thrilling horror adventure story that is built around the mad butcher - maniac and kidnapped them girls he locked in his lair. Updated 4 days ago. Games › Free › Free Psychopath Hunt Chapter Two: Escape the Butcheru0027s House. Psychopath Hunt Chapter Two is an intense action game on Android. In this thrilling sequel, you find yourself captured by a sadistic butcher who has taken you to his terrifying house. Your objective is to escape before itu0027s too late. Mr Meat: Horror Escape Room - Apps on Google Play Psychopath Hunt - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - YouTube Like 1. 2 years ago by Kalipso Studio. Share this post: Psychopath Hunt (Horror Game Trailer) - Android. This is the official release for Psychopath Hunt. Files. Psychopath-Hunt-v1..3.apk 58 MB. Dec 14, 2021. 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